Monday, February 28, 2022

Beginning my happily ever after

The moment my eyes met Mike's (now my husband) I felt a special pull. We talked for several hours and he said he had to get home because he promised his dog he wouldn't leave him alone long. I knew he was my people, he treated his dog like family!! So I walked him out to his truck and he asked to see what a hug from me felt like. Well the second his arms wrapped me up I felt my soul sigh and say home! I had never felt such a pure sense of peace and relief before. It actually kind of scared me at first. He gave me his number and said if I ever wanted to hang out or go on a date to just give him a call. I went inside and tried to go to sleep, I just couldn't so when I figured it had been long enough for him to have gotten home I called him. We talked until dawn and made plans to get together later that day. I found a ride to his house on Halloween of 2018 and one day ended up being the rest of my life. We just click on a level deeper than any I have ever felt. He started asking me to marry him in December that year. We tied the knot on September 21, 2019 I wrote my own vows and ended with in this life and the next, because I feel not even death can part us!!

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Bumps in the road

I met several men after leaving my husband one was 18 years younger the other 20 years older. I dated both off and on over the next 2 years. Also during that time I moved from my dad's to my brother's. He knew I was fighting for my disability so he said I could live rent free as long as I helped with household chores, which I did for 6 months. He kicked me and his daughter out when he decided to move his new girlfriend and her son's to the house. We got an apartment together, for the first year. Then I moved a camper into on my brother's property. One night in mid October that year my male friend who was 20 years older died. My brothers girlfriend was there to help me through the tough times. She also introduced me to a widower friend of hers.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ending is just a beginning

 I married my first husband for reasons other than love. I felt I had no other choice. If I didn't he could take our son away from me and I couldn't let that happen. Fast forward 16 years and I knew my son would be okay if I left, but I chose to stay. One day my son told me "mom I know you are miserable here with dad. I also know you stay because of me. That makes me feel guilty because if not for me you could go be happy". That was when I realized that the end had finally come for this chapter in my story. I moved in with family and continued to work on getting my disability and finding my true self, beginning the next chapter in my story!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Life Changes

 It's funny how much life can change in just a few short years. I am now working on marriage number 2. I have 4 wonderful step children, one of which is has now got his Angle Wings. A handful of grandkids, one of which now resides with my hubby and I. And I am happier than I ever thought I could be! 

 Yes I still have a passel of mental and physical illnesses/diseases. I am still trying to come to terms with how each one impacts my life. However I now choose to live that life in whatever capacity I can. I choose not to be defined by my limitations. Rather I choose to define myself based on what I can do and the strengths of my character. 

 I will be filling in the gaps and explaining how I got here over the next several days. I don't want to dwell long on the past but it is important to understand that it wasn't an overnight thing. While I am much more accepting of things as they are I still have a long way to go with making peace with it all.